Can PVC Column Wrap be painted?

Can Wrap N' Snap be painted?

Wrap N’ Snap Column Wrap does not require painting to retain its color or remain impervious to moisture. However, if desired it can be painted to match existing colors or to achieve a desired look with excellent results. Column Wrap will outperform wood in paint adhesion and longevity.

Use a 100% acrylic latex paint or 100% acrylic latex paint with a urethane additive to achieve superior durability and flexibility. For better performance use light colors with a light reflective value of 55 units or greater. Dark colors will have an impact on the expansion and contraction of the material.

To ensure good adhesion, Column Wrap should be clean, dry, free of dirt, loose peeling paint, mildew, chalk, grease, and other surface contaminants before painting. Cleaning can be done with a cloth and a mixture of water and mild detergent, preferably a household cleaner or plain alcohol.

Because Column Wrap finishes very much like wood, prepping will be similar to that of wood. Fill any nail holes with a recommended caulk, and clean or sand any marks or blemishes left from handling and installation. Once sanded however, the original surface will be slightly textured.

Paint can be applied with rollers, brushes or sprayed. Follow common sense practices used to paint wood outdoors.

Even though Column Wrap may feel dry to the touch a few hours after painted, please note that Column Wrap does not absorb paint like wood and the paint may not be fully cured. Some paints will not obtain full adhesion for 2 to 3 weeks on PVC products.

Sanding the surface of Column Wrap can be used to increase adhesion. However, this step should not be needed with most quality paints.