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What sizes of Wrap N’ Snap are available?
Wrap n’ Snap is available in five sizes – 4x4, 4x6, 6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 – in both 8.5-foot and 10-foot lengths.
How much does Screen Tight cost?
The system costs about $2 per square foot for all the materials, including the Screen Tight components, fiberglass screen, rubber spline and screws. You will also need a spline-roller tool like our Rollerknife, a drill and pruning shears for cutting.
Can Wrap N' Snap be used on round posts?
Wrap N' Snap is designed for square posts, but should work with round posts. You would just need to use trim at bottom and top to secure. Screen Tight offers a variety of trim options for your posts including an Arcadia Trim Kit, Colonia Trim Kit and ...
Can Screen Wall Attach to Masonry?
Yes, the Screen Wall system perimeter 1x2 pieces can attach to concrete and/or masonry by using standard masonry screws.
Are Screen Wall Post and Perimeter Elements Available in Longer Lengths?
Yes, both Screen Wall perimeter and post elements are available in 10 foot lengths. Additional charges may apply when ordering lengths longer than the standard 8ft for perimeter, posts and beauty cap parts.